NH4 - Ammonium

NH4 - Ammonium

  • Normalområde for mennesker: 0-32. Høye verdier er 110+.

Toxic Nitrogen Compounds (Ammonia, Ammonium, Nitrite, Nitrate)

Symptoms: General illness symptoms. Rapid breathing, usually at the surface of the water. Shimmy. Quick darting movements at first, followed by lethargy as the fish begin to die. Fish coloration appears either normal or more intense until after death. Gills may turn red or bloody, and are said to turn "lilac"from Ammonia poisoning, probably meaning that they often don't become fully red or bloodied.

Cause(s): Improper biological cycling of the tank. Excessive amount of fish or other inhabitants in aquarium, or fish stocked too quickly. Insufficient water changes. Decomposing organic matter (uneaten food, dead fish, etc). Destruction of beneficial "cycling" bacteria through the addition of medications or other compounds, or due to clogged or broken filters. Drastic pH swings. Tapwater containing Chloramine (Chlorine joined with Ammonia), especially when Chlorine only neutralizers are used.

Course Of Action: Daily water changes should be performed until the biological cycle re-establishes itself. Adding charcoal or activated charcoal can be of some benefit during the interim. Ensure that filters are functioning properly and do not become clogged, inhibiting current flow . Reduce fish load if the tank is overcrowded or stocked with sensitve species. Frequent testing for these compounds is recommended to spot any rise in levels early. (All levels should read zero, except for Nitrate readings, which are acceptable up to 30 ppm. Any higher reading for any of these substances can be toxic, though some fish species are more resistant than others.)




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