

How to sculpt miniature dragon wings

Wings are expensive, but you want them. So how do you get them for less money?

3D wings (bent wings)

  1. Green Stuff + wire, method A (3D)

    1. Make a wing frame of wire

    2. Sculpt with Green Stuff

    3. Example: http://thetyranidhive.proboards.com/thread/39416
    4. Example: http://midwestmonsterlab.blogspot.no/2012/02/hades-vampire-lord-wip-and-green-stuff.html
    5. Example: http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/baby-orc-wyvern-sculpt An Image
  2. Green Stuff + wire, method B (3D)

    1. Apply Green Stuff to a baking sheet

    2. Thin it and smooth it out

    3. Let the Green Stuff harden for 40 minutes

    4. Make a wing frame of wire

    5. Apply wing frame to Green Stuff

    6. Put on latex gloves

    7. Fasten the wire and shape the Green Stuff with your fingers

    8. Let harden fully

    9. Example: http://mandragoreminiatures.free.fr/tutoailedragonanglais.pdf

  3. Green Stuff + Instant Mold + existing wing (3D)

    1. Use Instant Mold to make a 2-part mold of an existing wing

    2. Put Green Stuff between the finishes mold parts, press together and apply pressure for x hours.

    3. Example: http://www.ulthuan.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37972&start=30 Image
  4. Green Stuff + Liquid Blu-Stuff + Magic Sculpt + existing wing (3D)

    1. Use Liquid Blu-Stuff to make a 2-part mold of an existing wing

    2. Mix Green Stuff and Magic Sculpt about 1-1. The result will be softer than pure Green Stuff.

    3. Put the mix between the finishes mold parts, press together and apply pressure for 8-12 hours.

    4. Example: http://masteroftheforge.com/2012/05/21/rubber-molds-green-stuff/

  5. Super Sculpey + wire (3D)

    1. Make a wing frame of wire
    2. Sculpt with Super Sculpey
    3. Bake or use heat gun

    4. Example: http://www.coolminiornot.com/forums/showthread.php?50236
  6. Super Sculpey + wire + Polymorph (3D)

    1. Make wing frame with wire

    2. Apply Polymorph to fasten pieces
    3. Sculpt with Super Sculpey
    4. Bake or use heat gun
    5. Example: http://fowlplayfilm.weebly.com/puppet-construction.html Foto

  7. Super Sculpey + wire mesh + wire (3D)

    1. Make a wing frame from wire

    2. Apply wire mesh for wing leather

    3. Fill and cover with Super Sculpey

    4. Bake or use heat gun
    5. Example: https://www.skillshare.com/classes/design/Sculpting-Creatures-and-Critters-Bringing-Your-Ideas-to-Life-in-Clay/491727686/project-guide
  8. Liquid Super Sculpey + aluminium foil + wire (3D)

    1. Make a wign frame of wire

    2. Crunch and apply aluminium to one side of wings

    3. Add Liquid Super Sculpey on aluminium

    4. Bake or use heat gun

    5. Remove aluminium foil

    6. Example: http://madsculptor.blogspot.no/2011/08/elphaba-day-2-bat-wings-and-clay.html

  9. Toy bat + epoxy (3D)

    1. Buy a halloween toy bat

    2. Cut the wings off

    3. Fasten to miniature with epoxy

    4. Example: https://rpgobsessed.wordpress.com/2011/07/07/minis-everywhere/

    5. Example: https://rpgobsessed.wordpress.com/2011/11/08/gold-dragon/

  10. Worbla + Milliput (3D)

    1. Draw wing on worbla board and cut it out

    2. Use heat gun to shape

    3. Sculpt with Milliput

    4. Example: http://atomicladies.com/how-to-make-a-judge-death-pterosaur-shoulder-piece/

2D wings (flat wings)

  1. Green Stuff + polysterene + thick paper (Flat)

    1. Cut wing skeleton from polysterene

    2. Fasten parts with Green Stuff
    3. Cut wing leather from thick paper
    4. Fasten and cover with Green Stuff
    5. Example: http://warfrog.blogspot.no/2011/10/custom-hive-tyrant-wings-pt-2.html

  2. Green Stuff + plasticard (Flat)

    1. Cut wing skeleton from plasticard

    2. Fasten parts with Green Stuff
    3. Cut wing leather from plasticard
    4. Fasten with Green Stuff
    5. Shape with Green Stuff
    6. Example: http://thetyranidhive.proboards.com/thread/43502/aleinoid-insect-wings?page=1

    7. Example: http://www.chromeminis.com/Navigering/Main%20site/gallery.htm

  3. Fimo Liquid Decorating Gel + Premade mold (Flat)

    1. Get a polymer clay mold of desired wings

    2. Add mold release

    3. Pour Fimo Liquid Decorating Gel

    4. Smooth out surfaces

    5. Bake or user heat gun

    6. Rinse and repeat for opposite side of each wing

    7. Glue together

    8. Example: http://www.ebay.com/itm/OOAK-Fairy-Faery-wings-Mermaid-Tails-By-Faith-Tillbrook-prfag-/221147467398

  4. Fimo Liquid Decorating Gel + wire (Flat)

    1. Make a wing frame of wire

    2. Lay down on heat-resistant glass
    3. Apply Fimo Liquid Decorating Gel
    4. Use a brush to shape the gel
    5. Bake or use heat gun
    6. Example: http://www.aprylian.com/tutes.html

    7. Example: http://www.ladyoftheonering.com/fairywingtutorial.htm

  5. Paper Clay (Flat)

    1. Sculpt a wing on baking paper, using Paper Clay

    2. Origin: http://rachelwhetzel.com/awww-bats/

  6. Fabric + wire (Flat)

    1. Make a wing frame of wire

    2. Apply fabric
    3. Put between two sheets of wax paper
    4. Let dry for ~6 hours
    5. Cut off excessive fabric
    6. Example: http://www.thefairiesnest.com/2009/01/wing-tutorial-at-last.html
  7. Cellophane + wire (Flat)

    1. Make a wing frame og wire
    2. Glue to cellophane
    3. Cut off excess cellophane
    4. Example: http://www.diyduet.com/2014/06/fairy-wing-earrings.html



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