Sands of Time (the hour glass rupture, Apexius)

  • Portal spawns after killing a sandman in a rupture
  • "With the changes wrought this season this may be hit or miss at this stage of the game as it can spawn anywhere from rupture lvl 36 to rupture lvl 100. This is essentially a boss fight with a bunch of lootables after you complete the boss. The chest you get at the end is a gamble chest that can reward anything from a simple egg (no use just sell it) to T3 gear (from Bridge of the Demigods) and other assorted dungeon keys."
  • First you kite a boss with a ton of health. Then you meet an even bigger boss. All of this while you have a timer. After exiting this rupture you are returned to base - not to the rupture from which you entered.
  • Shouldn't be an issue with combat rating 5'000

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